Saturday, September 5, 2009

Christianity and Philosophy

The more I think of it, muse upon it, the more I see the vanity of trying to defend the truth of the Scriptures by philosophy. This is not to say good philosophy will not back up the Bible--it has no choice, for truth will always come forth--but it is not the better way to disperse it, or defend it. The Scriptures will defend themselves, as truth always does. It is self propagating and needs no help. And to disperse it abroad to create saving faith in man one needs only proclaim it itself. Attempts to cause men to believe it are in essence vain, though to argue it to unbelievers is right and the way it has been defended throughout the ages (consider Stephen, Acts 7; Paul, everywhere, esp. Acts 9:20-22; 20:31, etc.; Apollos, Acts 18:28; others throughout Scripture). Simply spoken, the best argument for the Bible and all it contains is the Bible itself. If one will not believe it, it is because he is not of the Father's sheep (John 10:26 But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you.), nor of the truth (John 18:37 Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.). Those who will come will come, for they are given to Him by the Father (John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.). For the determined unbeliever nothing will convince him, even the most verifiable and impossible miracle. Luke 16:31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead. Jesus did and they in that time would not believe, or at least submit, in Him and they still will not, even though the resurrection of Jesus is one of the most verifiable and attested occurrences in ancient history.

I must presuppose the truth of the Scripture--meaning the Scriptures are true in all things it says and represents itself to be. One must presuppose some things no matter what one is dealing with. Why should it be any different with the Bible and what it proclaims? Do not the scoffers live by a double standard when they demand perfect and compete evidence for the Scriptures and God when they do not do so for the tenets they believe? They assume the falsity of miracles, God and determined morality. Of course, they do so because they do not want to be holden by them, for if they were it would interfere with their personal mores, which brings them to conclude such things are untenable. The true matter is not the Scriptures but personal desire. The reality of God and the truth of His word would not be questioned otherwise. There would be no reason to do so. For such reason, those of the 19th century vehemently ran to evolution for it is their only hope do dispose of God. Nevertheless, those who are true and walk with integrity will sincerely search the Bible to see if it is true, and will walk in its light the rest of their days. This is exactly what Jesus meant in John 18:37. Because of this reality I cannot be overmuch concerned by those who determine not to believe, or who seem to always find an excuse not to believe such and such at any given time. Were they of the Father's sheep they would believe. If they were of the truth they would believe. A fool is a fool whatever his IQ may be. Such is not a matter of intellect but of heart and integrity.

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