Sunday, March 1, 2015

Homosexuality and the Bible, letter to the editor

This post is a slightly edited copy of a letter to the editor of the Salina Journal, Salina, Kansas I wrote in 2012 or so. The city council was wanting to add sexual orientation and gender identity to the city's anti-discrimination policy. There were three public forums to allow the public to express their views on the subject. I attended the third one, which is mentioned here. This letter to the editor is in response to a man who was presenting an unbiblical viewpoint on the subject. This letter did not get printed in the paper, I assume because it was too long, even though I took it down to about four hundred words as the editor requested. I post it here for those who would like a little more information to defend the biblical position on homosexuality, or for those who need to be corrected on the issue. I have chosen not to give the full name of the man I am disagreeing with to be charitable.

At the last public forum on the inclusion of sexual orientation and gender identity into the city's non-discriminations ordinance, former United Methodist pastor, Dr. W. E. S., stated his views on homosexuality and the Bible. He also made a paper on the subject available on the front table. It seems to me he is merely attempting to reinterpret the Bible to fit what one might call the popular thought of the day on this subject. What he said does not at all represent the consensus of Bible interpreters throughout the ages, nor the straight-forward proclamation of the Scripture itself.
He argues that the term "homosexual" was coined by Freud and is not used in many of the translations. The point is moot. The concept is obviously in scripture in both words and phrases. The ancient Greek word, arsenokoites, used in 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 1 Timothy 1:10 means "homosexual", especially referencing the active partner of the relationship. Another Greek word, malakos, in 1 Timothy 1:10 refers to the passive partner in a homosexual relationship. Jude 7 uses the term "strange flesh" referring to homosexual behavior in contrast to immoral heterosexual behavior mentioned previously. The Greek word translated "strange" in some English versions literally means "other," referencing "another kind" of flesh—i.e. unnatural sexual activity.     

The apostle Paul in Romans 1:18-32, condemns both homosexual behavior and desires in no uncertain terms, especially in verses 24-27. God, through the apostle, calls homosexual desire and practice unnatural, in violation of God's created order. The reason for this downfall from the exalted position into which mankind was created is because mankind rejected God and His truth, believing, rather, a lie which they made up themselves. "Professing themselves to be wise they became fools" and turned truth and the created order on their heads. Nowhere in scripture can one find even a hint that God created anyone to be homosexual. Such is an aberrancy to scripture and the created order. Hence, the explicit commands against men having sex with other men, Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13. Homosexuality is there listed among other perversions of nature such as bestiality and the sacrificing of children to an idol.

Dr. S. wants us to believe that the prohibition is not against all homosexuality but only against those who were born heterosexual but commit homosexual acts against their personal nature, not those who were born homosexual. But where does he get the idea anyone was ever created homosexual? Not from the Bible for sure! Never is there the slightest hint of such a thing. The concept of  "natural" in the Scriptures is that which is in accordance to the created order of all, not a so-called personal created order. All were created according to the order  given in Genesis chapters 1 and 2. God created a man and a woman, signifying the complementary roles of the opposite sexes. This truth is everywhere in scripture while the opposite can only be imagined. God Himself, who is Jesus Christ, affirms the created order in Matthew 19:4-6 and Mark 10:6-9. Scripture only condemns homosexual desire and practice, never affirms it. Like every other sin, it must be repented of, one putting his or her faith in Christ for forgiveness and restoration. Eternal judgment awaits those who will not. Like everyone else, I lived an aberrant life in many ways. Thankfully the Lord kindly and graciously turned me from sin to Himself to trust only in Him. I pray all who read this will do the same.

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