Saturday, November 1, 2008

Truth: Ignored--Denial and Apathy

I am quite alarmed by society's response to truth, the notion of it. That truth exists, especially as an authority, is either dismissed or lackadaisically ignored by many, if not most. I listened to an apologetics lecture with a Q&A section on this concern. It made me realize again how people are taught that truth either does not exist or is not important. The second proposition is the most divisive. When one concludes truth is not important there is no standard for moral or logical/rational decision making and acting. Once apathy sets in it is nearly impossible to awaken the sleeper. Of course both propositions are false and easily disproved, but those who wish to contend for them have come to a place that tends to dowse any interest or enthusiasm of rethinking their position.

The real problem is that when truth does not matter anything can happen. Our world is living that out in our time. But such was lived out to a greater degree long before now. The Bible records such an attitude in Rom. 1:18ff. Mankind grew tired of God and suppressed His truth, Himself being in reality the whole of it. The result of suppressing the truth was the world wide flood which covered the entire earth, without geographical exception. When God gives one up for refusing truth and demanding falsehood (done always for convenience's sake) there is no more hope. Though He may give one many years, even a lifetime to repent, His judgment will certainly come. And when judgment comes the irony of it all is realized--the very thing the suppressor aspired to, namely pleasure in whatever form it comes, is lost, and the realization of its futility is gained in full. I wouldn't wonder if the greatest torment for the eternally damned shall be the realization of their folly and hypocrisy against themselves. Such an example is Bertrand Russell. It is reported that when asked what he will say when he stands before God, and God asks him why he did not believe in Him, he will respond that He did not give him enough evidence to believe in Him. But in eternity, when all foolishness is put aside and reality in its fullness descends upon such a one, there will be no more ability to play games, for one will be known to himself as he is known to God. All, in that day, will be naked and void of any possible duplicity. Self-deception will be ended forever. Reality alone will stand. And the greatest reality is that it will be too late to make any changes.

1 comment:

  1. "all pleasure is lost"-what a statement! How true!
    And to think that anyone would claim that there wasn't enough evedience to prove God's existence is totally, willfully defiant. Praise God for the work He has done in my life, or I too could be as defiant.
