Saturday, May 13, 2023

The Christian's Focus in This Evil World

As I consider today's world and the mess that we are in I can only conclude that for the Christian we must focus on the word of God and its teachings, primarily God's absolute sovereignty. The fact that God can change the heart of the King and make it go the direction He wishes it to go should give us pause for praise and contentment in our present state. Along with that is the knowledge that this world and this life is not the all in all, it is not what we are looking forward to but is merely a passing state. Eternity with the Lord is what we are looking forward to. We shall be the recipients of His grace and of the great blessings that are beyond any possible human description or understanding. If we truly believe this then why should we get all upset about our current world condition: the economic crisis; the totalitarian crisis; in America, the invasion on the southern border of Illegal immigrants, many of whom are intent on destroying people's lives. Should the Bible be true, as it truly is, we have nothing to fear and everything to look forward to. Eternity, not today, is our hope. We shall see God and all the difficulties and discouragements of this life will dissipate into thin air never to be known again the very instant we leave this world. So why should we get all upset about what's going on? It is nothing but the entrance into the better world.

For sure, we should be concerned about this world and our lives in it, especially those who are yet to come. For sure we have a responsibility given by God to be good stewards in this world. For sure God has given us a great nation to live in in America and He would expect us to keep it the way He gave it to us with freedom, especially religious freedom to worship Him as His Word tells us. But still, this life is not the great concern. Eternity is. And no matter how well we keep this world going, even if it were maintained in absolute perfect order, it will still one day burn up and be not and replaced by a new heaven and a new earth where sin does not dwell, where death does not destroy, wherein difficulties and discouragements never enter. 

So as we do the best we can to maintain the good life God has given to us here in this world, let us not be distracted from the real issue which is eternity, even our relationship to the Creator of this universe, Who came to earth and became a man and lived the absolute perfect life we could not, died on the cross for our sins, raised Himself from the dead never to die again, proclaiming absolute victory over death and destruction and hell and anything that can destroy. Let us look to that! Let us keep the equilibrium we need to keep, that we don't go to the left or to the right but that we walk straight ahead down the narrow, difficult pathway filled with bumps and hills and valleys and darkness and dampness and death. But we tread that pathway not without a vision of hope that God has given to us in Christ, in His word and in our hearts! Rejoice, O Christian, for we know that so it will be! As we observe this world racing quickly to destruction, rejoice all the more. Rejoice with and for those who have gone before us and those who will go before us, along with those will follow after us to a world of joy, an eternal world that has no pain and no sorrow and no hurt and no departing, no goodbyes, no death, no diseases because there is no sin.

Therefore let us fulfill the admonition of scripture in Hebrews 12 and lay aside every sin and encumbrance and run with patience the race that is set before us looking unto Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, Who is willing and desirous to welcome us home. Let the one thing we desire most in this life be to hear Him tell us in that life, "Good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord."